Our Free Psd for today is a dark upload button with a progress bar.

Upload buttons act as the opposite of download buttons. While you use download buttons to download something from the net or sever to your computer, upload buttons are used to upload something from your computer to the internet. Such as when you upload your photo to facebook or when you upload something you want to send in your email. Far away from the traditional gray style default html button, today, with the advance internet programming and styling options, you can create unlimited creative upload buttons. In this case, i choose to make the loader or the progress bar that shows you how much percentage was uploaded, i choose to make this progress bar built within the upload button itself. For that, when you click the browse and upload button, the initial content of the button disappear and a progress bar appear in the same place with a text loading percentage numbering. This is of course what i thought of, but it is not you bounderies as you can have your own thoughts and creativity to go with this button as far in customization as your creativity takes you.

The upload button is made of photoshop effects, layers and decorated with patterns and textures.

It is all vector based and you have the ability to export to any format and any resolution. Enjoy