A clean white fully layered psd sign in form for web designers and web developers.
Today, our little freebies is a sign in box that comes in clean simple white color style. It allows users to login to a specific website via two input fields ; username and password. It also contain a remember me green checkbox to same your login info to be used for future logins using cookies. Of course there is a this white nice sign in button to login and also a close button at the corner if you decided to make this little login box a pop up instead of embedding it in a normal page at your website.
Within this sign in form, there is also a little text link that gives the user a chance to sign up if not a member yet. The sign up link is underlined for easier identification. There is also a title and subtitle that allows you to say whatever you like to the user. The first comes in a bold heavy font and the other in a light gray font.
Fonts used at this psd templates are helvetica in different sizes and weights. All shapes are vectors and the psd photoshop file is layered and organized. Enjoy !