A transaction receipt psd graphic for graphic and web designers; free to download.
On a blue textured shadowed background, lies our psd free receipt that act like a shopping cart. It contains the items you have bought with the price of each item next to it and the total amount you should pay underneath. On the top, a space for the date of your receipt in a nice way. At the bottom we added to buttons; the blue button on the left is the checkout button while the orange button on the right is the clear button which will help you clear your receipt. Two icons the correct and incorrect one’s where placed on the buttons accordingly.
This little freebie is perfect for commercial websites where online shopping happen. It can be used as a shopping cart and it might add a little fun style to your website or application.
As you can see, the design is simple yet elegant. The photoshop nature of the file provide easier manipulation and editing. Since few would use the item as it is without adding their touch or make it go with their work, those editing options are needed. All shapes are vector shapes and all text is editable. The font used for the title of the psd receipt is Wisdom Script Ai and Helvetica Bold for the other text.