A silk 3 column free psd template made in a pocket style layers.
You have some wordpress programming powers you want to manipulate ? This perfectly graved theme is just what you need. This template theme is characterized by the following :
1- Full width template that fits any screen resolution. All web standards are taken into consideration. It is 1024px wide
excluding the margins. Its hight is 1500px & of course adabtable.
2- There is a full width slider at the very top of the layout where your images goes under a shadow creating a pocket style
effect. The stitched at the bottom of the slider make this effect more realistic though abstract.
There’s also a space for a big title on the left of the slider, description and a big 3d link. Navigation arrows on both
sides of the slider that are abstract, not like all other arrows on the web.
3. Above your slider, a text menu with a logo & social bookmark icons on the right.
4. The theme body consist of 4 main areas; a flash message area where you can add a big callout text for the website
visitors, a latest work area where you can add images of your latest jobs or projects or even clients you have worked on or
There’s also a 3 column space to add your services, mission, history or anything you think is important to tell your
clients about.
Finally within your body, there is a news area that come with the day & date. You can add navigation to this as well..
5. The template footer is a typical theme footer with links to all sections of the website, social buttons; facebook,
twitter & rss.
Theme colors are white, gray & yellow. Grid patterns where used for the background. The theme was made in a way to make any
content in it look pretty.. Possibly 😛
This Template contains the home page, wait for the rest of the pages soon 🙂
Have fun & share with your friends. Enjoy 🙂
Note : Images used in the design were picked randomly from the internet, they are all the copyright of their respective owners !