Our freebie for today is a hanging note board to display your favorite stuff.

As i was designing this psd hanging note, i was thinking where to use this and several ideas came to my mind. I’am not going to tell you about these ideas and keep them for myself ! Lol, of course iam kidding; well.. This hanging board can be used in web design for the following needs:

It can be used as a banner area, for example, many web designers think of a way to display their banners in a nice way to make it more appealing for advertisers and push them to buy these banner areas. Withing this hanging note style, banners whether text one’s or image ones will look awesome !

The free hanging psd note can also be used to display featured items or showcase some of your website testimonials.

Our hanging board is not limited to web design, many ideas can be thought of to make use of this board in your print designs.

The way this board is designed with photoshop vector shapes makes it easy to resize and manipulate and this will allow you to have more possibilities of using this. What about using our hanging board as a popup for instance ! Ha.. i thought of this now ! Show us your creativity and tell us what ideas came to your mind in the lower comments area 🙂 Enjoy 🙂

The dark version of the note below