Tropical refreshment exists in every individual’s mind. Pursuance of calming and refreshing feels is very human. Likewise, visual experience also desires to obtain invigorating feeling. Fruits usually referred as a symbolization of freshness. Accordingly, the fruit image will transcend human’s impression for eating a juicy texture and generate the particular feelings.
A set of fruit images textured in light pink meant for cuteness which every designer can’t deny for that. Apply it to any object for your graphic design will give an advantageous sense of elation and refreshment. Repetitive images of avocado, watermelon, banana, and lemonade aim to visualize the delicious taste of those fruits. The pinky fruits pattern will beautify your design areas such as wall decoration, commercial advertisement, apparel, and animation.
Let’s express gratitude towards Fede Cook for this art piece. Please visit his other work that may fit to your needs. Designed by Fede Cook.
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