Psd / Vector Flat website navigation menu to be added to you design project; free to download.
Enhance your website with an awesome triangular flat vertical menu. This is what our today’s freebie is about; just fresh and up-to-date styled. You customize this psd free menu to match the website theme you are looking to include it within. My advice : create a theme based on this menu style. I have a theme in mind that i would build later when i got a chance, i’ve included part of it as you see in the thumbnail above. The image listings on the right are like posts in the website probably a blog style website.
This psd menu is supposed to be a toggle vertical menu. Small web icons goes next to each menu button as well as a vertical solid strip of color that characterize each section of the menu. This same color might be used in the page that this menu button will open.
3 styles of colors where included in this free psd file to give you more choices of use. Changing the color as well as shapes and styles is easy as everything is constructed with photoshop layers and vector shapes. Editing this as well as preparing it for later slicing and html / css slicing should be easy with medium photoshop skills.
Finally, you can use this psd menu to create a your widget menu for your wordpress or any other website platform you use. Enjoy 🙂