Our freebie for today is a sharp edged elegant free web browser.

Its not safari, not chrome, nor internet explorer nor Firefox. Its something completely different. A new web browser that is simplified, it only include navigation arrows & the

website address input field. Our psd browser is perfect for website presentations as well as other graphics presentation.
All you need is to mask your work inside the browser template to get your work presented with style.

Today, all web browsers compete to create the better, faster, userfriendly & prettier browser. The compete in the coding
part, plugins & more. Hover, for your presentation needs, nothing matters except style. Thats what you will see in our
browser. Its a free downloadable psd layered file. You can add the missing buttons like close botton, minimize & mazimize
buttons if you need them.Its all vector shaped file wish make editing much easier for you. Enjoy 🙂