Our free file today is a mega psd website template for bloggers.
This theme is going to talk bloggers to the next level in blogging in what i say “Blog with style”. A New light & silk website template dedicated for those who have simple blogging website just like me. With this template, i tried to move away from the sophisticated blogging website that both users and website admins hate. In Layarx, everything is straight forward, the layerx template is made of two main pages; the home page and the details page which is similar the main home page but with a comments part added. How relaxing it is when you enter a website & find what you are searching for just in front of you ! Layerx doesnt even have a header !
Layerx is a 1 column theme template. The elements that usually comes in the header in default website, they however at layerx, come at left sidebar. The logo, a search field, a little description about the website and the navigation links. Also in our sidebar, comes stuff the are normally added to the footer since we don’t have a footer in our free template, these are the tags & categories. Of course the sidebar is open to you to add whatever you want since you have the layered psd file.
As you might have notices, the design of this theme illustrates what is was named for, “Layerx” from layers. The design was made of several layers stacked over each other at different levels. in the second layer where only a small part of it is visible, a small icon tells the user in which category is the post next to it. For example the first post icon which is an image icon tells the user that the post is categorized under images. This is nice is icons convey messages much easier and smoother than text. Social network icons where added on the right, these are supposed to slide as the user goes down the page or upwards. There is also pagination buttons on the bottom of the page beneth the last post.
Fonts & Images :
i used the following fonts; Nilland-Black for the logo & titles while i used Delicious for the body text.
Images where taken randomy from the web, they are all the copyright of their owners.
Zipped file contains a fully layared psd file with all shapes that are vector based. This maximizes your editing abilities & makes it easier to customize the great template. Enjoy 🙂