A free psd file that consist of a set of perfect psd / vector ribbons design with perfect attention to details.
Ribbons are brilliant ! The are everywhere in today’s designs socially in websites and applications. Why not to be while the are an easy and nice way to put light on something. Usually designers a ribbon or what i like to call a banner ribbon to put some message in bold. This might be a title, a sub tittle, a tagline or even a signature !
In online use, ribbons can hold prices, time countdowns and many more. There are featuring ribbons, offer ribbons and even logo ribbons. I also saw in some website designs big banners made of a big ribbon with images and text inside. A ribbon can also hold buttons like subscription and registration buttons.
Desgin & Style
The ribbons we are offering today are red in color, they have a sort of perspective feeling that give them a 3d effect. Some of them are hanging from top on a board background while some hang from the side. Some are standalone ribbons like the list two. You propably noticed a little darker one of the ribbons at the end; this is an example of how you can change colors, shapes and other design elements within each on of the psd elements. This Last ribbon is simply a variation of the one next to it.
Fonts Used
A collection of fonts where used in this file ; Coffe Service Font, Haymaker & Arial.
Source Files & Usability
The downloadable file for this graphic are in psd format. Designed with illustrator then imported as vector shapes to Photoshop where layer styles where added as well as patters and colors.