A free psd school theme template for web designers and web developers.
Our freebie for today is a website template; a school and education related theme that can work for schools, collages, universities and other education agencies. Looking to design a website that falls within this set of categories, Schooly template is your best starting point. Its colors, layout, photos, buttons and icons all relates and give the feeling of education.
Schooly is a 3 column layout psd website that collapse in some parts to two columns and even to 1 column in some parts of the psd home page and in the upcoming inner full width pages. The home page consist of 8 horizontal sections; the header that contain the main men and a logo with a ribbon for the tagline. The psd logo goes on the left while the psd horizontal menu is located on the right.
The 2nd part contains a wide content slider for offers and other important updates that need to be featured on the most important and noticable part of this psd theme.
The 3rd part contains three big icons that can be filled with icons and titles of your choice, services is a good example.
The fourth part containes some text about the school, this can be a short history and other important stuff you think your clients or students should know. There’s a continue link under this text of course if you have too much text that will not fit in 1 page and you need the webste user to click it to continue reading in another page.
The fifth part is a full width call-out box that help the students register directly through an online form. Part six is splited into two parts; the 1st is the latest news and events of the school, the 2nd is the students honor list. All in psd fully layered vector shapes of course.
Part seven is a big slider that contains the school activities and competitions, in the sample psd theme it is a drawing / painting competion where the student can submit his drawings online and participate in this competition.
The last part contains a few text lines and the social buttons that every website have, twitter, facebook, rss, dribble, etc..