A set of four modern free psd web dividers for all your web design needs.

How many times you stop thinking of a way to seperate different parts of your websites, like separating the header from the body or the body from the footer ? Today, with this first volume of psd separators or dividers, this problem is something from the past. Separate your website with one or more of these stylish dividers we’ve created here at blugraphic studios.

As you have noticed, this pack was marked “V1”, this tells you to expect more versions or volumes of psd dividers in the future.

If you are wondering how these were designed, i’ll tell you a little. Two 1 pixel in height lines beside each others, then a light shadow effect was added to the upped line and dark shadow effect to the lower line. With a little changing in the shadows & lines opacity, you will get the awesome effect. Enjoy 🙂