A cool flat style Instagram psd ui widget to display part of your Instagram activity.

Just a blue modern style widget that is supposed to display your instagram main image, number of followers, number of photos, your name, profession and a follow me button to enable people to follow your Instagram account. The design imitates the default instagram popular blue color, but without all the gradients and shadows. We meant to go as flat as possible following today’s design trends. As usual, the whole design is made with photoshop in layers and is available for free download.

instagram widget psd ui

Though this free widget is named instagram, it can be edited to become a widget of anything else just like a Facebook widget or a Twitter widget. All the colors and effects can be edited as well to meet your taste or you client’s taste. Edges are 2px rounded and the whole design as made of boxes with no diagonal lines.

Enjoy 🙂

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