Set of 25 seamless tiling patterns to add to your pattern collection for website design use.
Most designers start with choosing a background when they start to design a website. Seamless patterns are perfect for web design for several reasons; the tile smoothly so you can use a small image to cover a big area of your design without having to wait for it to load, thus saving time and making your website much faster. Patterns also makes your website more up-to-date in terms of style as it is considered one of the new design trends that come as a solution between textures that do not tile and solid colors that are boring.
In today’s freebie, we are giving you 25 different style of patterns. Though they are different, they can fit in one family that is characterized by vertical lines and light shadows. So, you can use many of these in the same website for different elements without being afraid of design oddness.
To install those patterns simply drag the .PAT file into Photoshop. Another way to do that is to open Photoshop, go to layer styles > Pattern Overly then click the small arrow next to patterns and choose “Load Patterns”, after than you have to browse to your patterns file and select it. When you do that correctly, you will find you patterns appear in you patterns list in Photoshop.