Time represented by a free psd clock icon engraved with Photoshop vector shape layers; downloadable layered file.

Are your searching for a clock icon ? Want it for your website or phone application ? Well our psd freebie will help you and cut the time you need to design a one. What we are giving is simply a modern clock hanging on a dark wood background.

We wanted to make our psd time clock as modern as possible, so we choose simplicity as a shortcut for modernity. The psd analog clock is made of the only required elements. Colors are gray scale colors in general except for little red for the seconds stick. The shape is circular with a little embossing and debossing to create a realistic effect. Shadows are added nicely in one direction as if there’s a source of light on the right top of the clock.

The file is in psd format that easy to export to png, jpg or any other format your designs require. Resolution is unlimited; our clock can be scaled to any size and any resolution.