A USB style save button in release and push states & designed with Photoshop.

Though this button is in psd format, it is made out of vector shaped previously designed in illustrator. Simply, a save button made of a famous saving used today which is a flash disk or a USB  The Save button have some text on it, that is of course editable. This text illustrates the size of the downloadable file or the file that is going to be saved as well as “Save to Hard Disk” Text. The button also contains a little light that indicated the saving / downloading process, just like the real USB works.
When saving a file, a loader would appear to show the progress as well as a percentage number. The light in the case is green and the USB appears as if it is inserted. The whole button appears also as if it is pressed down.

The USB save button is displayed on a black textured background. This button is perfect for your web design needs, it can work for web applications as well on both Android and IOS. Have Fun Downloading this item 🙂