A hire / recruit badge psd hanging off the wall. An attractive way to find an employee to join your company.

A we’re hiring badge is simply a hanging badge with an apply button. Within this psd freebie your will be able to announce that you’re looking for an employee, you can post the position of that employee and there’s also an apply button that for the user to go directly to the job detail page.

At your website you can make this appear whenever you have a job position and disappear whenever you dont. This can also be animated as you can post several job offers rotation one after the other in a slideshow style within this psd hiring hanging badge. You might give each job position a different color.

The hire badge is simply a creative way to those who dont have a careers button on their website main menu. The design is simple, the light background makes this fit to most of the website. Colors and patterns can be easily changed within the layer styles option menu. It is a fully layered psd freebies made of smart objects and vector shapes. Re-sizing and manipulating is just a peace of cake even for designers with minimal Photoshop skills.