Today’s freebies is a tag adder usually used at the backend of a website to add or remove tags associated with a specific post.
Tags are added when you create a new post and you need some keywords to point to the subject of your post. This is when you write some of those keywords that help users find your post. For example, if your post is about web design, keywords that might be used looks like ; html, psd, css, php, etc…
Tags will help search engines find your post when a user search for a subject that is related to it. Keywords also help searches within the same website to be more accurate.
The free psd tags widget iam offering today is a light one, it stands on a light background (white). There is a wide input field with a plus mark to add a tag, a short description under it. Beneath, the added tags appear with a close button next to each of these to make it easy for a user to remove whatever he want.
The file is a flexible easy to manipulate and made with vector shapes in photoshop. Enjoy !